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UV420 Blue Light Protection Voucher

Bring this voucher to your nearest Torga store and get Torga's UV420 Blue Light protection for only N$400 cash plus an Eye Test!

Torga Optical customises a visual solution to each customer. There are various ways to protect one's eyes from too much exposure to blue light, depending on the individual's lifestyle and exposure.


Blue light is not all bad - in fact the human body needs it to regulate mood and aid in memory. However, the regularity of use and proximity of digital devices to the eye can result in too much exposure. Exposure to blue light at night especially, via digital devices, can result in (amongst other things) disturbed sleeping patterns.


Milder exposure to blue light can be treated with tinted lenses. For more prolonged exposure, blue light blocking lenses and UV420 protective lenses are the most effective when it comes shielding your eye from the harmful effects of blue light that is emitted by digital devices. 

Torga Optical customises a visual solution to each customer. There are various ways to protect one's eyes from too much exposure to blue light, depending on the individual's lifestyle and exposure.


Blue light is not all bad - in fact the human body needs it to regulate mood and aid in memory. However, the regularity of use and proximity of digital devices to the eye can result in too much exposure. Exposure to blue light at night especially, via digital devices, can result in (amongst other things) disturbed sleeping patterns.


Milder exposure to blue light can be treated with tinted lenses. For more prolonged exposure, blue light blocking lenses and UV420 protective lenses are the most effective when it comes shielding your eye from the harmful effects of blue light that is emitted by digital devices.